These are the chronicles of our trailblazers. The visionary innovators who made their mark at Kinosuite and continues to inspire storytellers worldwide.

It’s not your typical sword-and-sorcery epic, but that’s precisely the point. This film leans into its limitations, crafting a world that is as imaginative as it is imperfect. There’s a sense of sincerity behind the over-the-top performances, making it easy to root for this aging warrior on his unlikely quest and also a reminder that movies can be escapism in its purest form… Read More

The Art of Rediscovery: Filmmaking as a Journey | by Petr Erben (Czechia)
As a producer, my focus is always on finding stories that have the power to captivate and connect with audiences across different cultures and perspectives. In my latest film, Treasure, this theme of connection is at the core of the narrative. Julie Skálová embarks on a journey to confront her estranged father, but the film isn’t just about the treasure they seek. It’s about rediscovering relationships, confronting the past, and understanding how our experiences shape who we are today. These are the types of stories that resonate universally, and they are what drive me in my work…. Read More

The Infinite Dimensions of Cinema: A Space for Collective Realities and Imaginations | by Julio Rionaldo (United States | Indonesia)
Imagine, if you will, a garden—expansive, verdant, and ever-evolving—where winding paths emerge organically, inviting those who enter to wander, explore, and discover. Within this space, each individual contributes something unique: a memory, a fleeting joy, or even things better left unsaid. Yet, despite the distinctiveness of each visitor’s experience, all are united by a common bond—the shared act of existence within that space. This, I believe, is an apt allegory for cinema, a timeless space, a garden of collective imagination, where the very essence of human experience flourishes… Read More